Mom: Nate, do you want to smash things with a hammer.
Nate: Yes, please.
Mom: Nate, do you want to smash things with a hammer.
Nate: Yes, please.
Dad: Bug, what’s a female chicken called?
Bug: I am not sure. Are those the ones that get all of the letters mailed.
Bug: I want to be a hotdog flipper one day.
Dad: …
*Nate bursts into the bathroom while I was in their*
Nate: Sorry dude!
I came out of the bathroom from getting ready this morning to find Nate on the counter eating peanut butter with a spatula and raisins.
Mom: Dude, what are you doing?
Nate: Dude, I eating!
Bug: Mom, I think Nate just started over on his nap.
Bug: I have a cramma D. Sutton, a cramma Sutton, a crampa Sutton and mommy and daddy Sutton. These are my Suttons!